Wednesday 15 January 2014

2014 memory jar

Hey, well I wasn’t really intending on doing a post everyday but after my first one last night I couldn’t wait to post again!

Not sure if anyone will really care or be interested but I thought i’d share what I started recently and that is a memory jar..

I had seen someone I follow on Instagram (my Instagram name is at the bottom if you 
would like to follow my peronal account) do it and I thought I would try it myself! All you 
have to do if dig out and old jar, or pop along to a store and buy one (like i did) then 
every time something good happens in the year write it down, fold it up and pop it in! 

2013 was such a good year for me and I done lots of different things but there was lots of 
little things I don’t remember so thought it would be a lovely idea to have them all 
written down, then at the end of the year I can look back on everything that happened!

I added some little sparkles to mine and a sticker saying ‘2014’ just to make it look pretty 
(and perfectly instagrammable!)

I hope you liked this short little post and my memory jar idea :) Abb x

Follow my personal Instagram account if you wish and I will follow back: _abbsmyth 


  1. I think this is a wonderful idea! As someone who forgets everything (I probably need a film crew 24/7 so I know what I've done haha!) this is something I totally need in my life!

    Rennie | Fashion Dust


    1. You should definitely make one, I write all sorts in there haha!!! Xxxx

  2. Really don't know why the text is all weird I can't seem to fix it :(

  3. Awww that's such a cute idea! I get so sentimental with things like that. My new years resolution this year is to take more photo's so I get to keep so many more memories. This idea is so good for keeping memories too!

  4. This is such a great idea! :D Will do that myself, thank you :)

  5. This is such an amazing idea!

  6. Totally a brilliant idea. I also read on a different blog where the girl did a thankful jar just like your but writing everything she was thankful for in 2013. Loved it and will be doing the same. Thanks for sharing :).

  7. Thankyou so much that's so lovely of you!! I will do a post tomorrow with the 11 questions :)

  8. This is such a cute idea. Love it! x
